We connect knowledge
with experience

The company’s vision is to provide itself and its business partners a long-term leading market position with the help of quality work and active search for new opportunities, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.


What are we doing?

With our sales programmes, we represent manufacturers of high-quality materials, equipment, and machinery.


What is it like to do business with us?


Cooperation with Commerce is always characterized by high professionalism and goal- as well as result-oriented working methods. This has led to the success of both companies in the last 20 years.

Olaf Köpcke

Amytex & Partners SRL

A close relationship is the basic ingredient in the development process. Quality of partners is the base of the value we can add to the development of industrial activities of our customers , working together to achieve optimization and success. Amytex&Partners SRL  experienced a  continusously  increasing business partnership with Commerce. Thank you for the very good business relationship!

Mihaela Ionescu


Commerce Trgovina is a professional company with good reference and well entered in the market of competence. Working with foreign partners is not simple: language, confidence, distance, legislation… The competence and the accuracy of the  people working for Commerce Trgovina help to overcome all these problems.

Simone Martini
Sales Department / CN METAL S.R.L.

Furtrnbach GMBH

We can look back on many years of positive cooperation in which we got to know Commerce as a fair and reliable business partner who has always met all obligations on time. The team is friendly and competent and it is a great pleasure to work with them.

Margit Wukovits
Customer service in Furtenbach / Furtrnbach GMBH


Working with Commerce is an advantage because with your company and your people we have reliable, engaged and best organized agents on the local market with broad understanding of the local market, mentality and language. We appreciate very much the efforts of Commerce to enlarge the technical understanding of our products. Together with Commerce we can distribute our products not only to larger customers. You enable us also to deal with SME-customers. We see, that Commerce is not only serving existing customers or products but tries permanent and active to enlarge sales and possibilities fo sales. This process we recognise since beginning of our cooperation and even quite more in the last few years.

Eder Günter


We have started from long time to cooperate with Commerce as distributor for Slovenia and Croatia At the first  we gave to COMMERCE a Technical support  care off to customers   and in  this short period   we had learn to know  each other’s. Marbo had discovered a high professionalism, competence and a very good technical assistance,” We have been cooperating with Commerce as our distributor for Slovenia and Croatia for a while now. At first we provided Commerce with technical support for customers, and through all this time we have come to know each other quite well. They are highly professional, competent company and they provide very good technical assistance.

Giancarlo La Gamba
Sales department / MARBO ITALIA SPA

MetalFlow S.A.

Metalflow sees Commerce Trgovina as a very serious and rapidly growing partner. Commerce Trgovina is a partner who can operate in the area of advanced technologies and I have many successes in this field. It operates not only locally on the Slovenian market, but also its business activity covers many Balkan countries. Although we have been cooperating less than a year, but after a few months we have opened with Commerce Trgovina several interesting projects that promise to be successfu. Commerce Trgovina also shows efficient communication with METAL FLOW, which allows you to keep positive dynamics of work.

Maciej Ochenduszko
Business Development Manager / MetalFlow S.A.

PROMET CZ s.r.o.

Firma Commerce ist eine große Firma mit seinem Lager. Die Leute in Firma reagieren sehr schnell, wenn kommen verschiedene Probleme. Sehr schnelle Einbeziehung in die Ausgabe in Proces Nichteisenmetalurgie. Die perfekte selbständige Arbeit mit unsere Kunde. Ausgezeichnete Zahlungsdisziplin. Flexibilität und gesunde Aggressivität.

Petr Veselý
Ingenieur / PROMET CZ s.r.o.

Teijin Aramid

Commerce is a reliable partner, and do much more than just managing accounts. They are excellent in monitoring market segments, and identifying opportunities at both existing and new clients. Our collaboration is driven by a proactive approach and strong communication.

Rene Lohmann
Sales & Marketing Manager Ballistics / Teijin Aramid


Prednost pri delu z vami je hiter odziv naročanja. O Commerce trgovini imamo dobro mnenje. Pri skupnem sodelovanju nam je všeč, da se lahko dogovorimo v primeru težav.

Sabina Corn
Nabavni logistik / HIDRIA D.O.O.

Tekstina d.o.o.

Pozitiven pristop k reševanju problematike in tudi razpoložljivost.

Tekstina d.o.o.

Berčič d.o.o.

Če se izrazim slikovito, bi rekla: "Ko ostaneš brez izhoda, znanja, blaga, Commerce Trgovina rešitev ima." 🙂 Ker ste zanesljivi in kakovostni, dobavite "just in time", opozorite na tržna nihanja, nas izobražujete in delate boljše. Da sledite načelu dobro je delati dobro, predvsem svojim strankam. Da poskušamo premikati meje in s sodelovanjem spreminjamo poslovno okolje na bolje.

Mirjana Berčič

Čateks d.d.

Suradnja sa firmom Commerce trgovina je izrazito ugodna a isto tako i uspješna. Kod svih oblika suradnje ( pomoć kod razvojnih projekata, rješavanja proizvodnih problema,narudžbi,pomanjkanje produkata) poslovni partner promptno reagira ( i izvan radnog vremena) te nastoji nači najkvalitetnije rješenje u najbržem mogučem roku. Surađujuči sa firmom Commerce trgovina, čovjek ima občutek da nije cilj samo prodati več prije svega pomoći poslovnom partneru a to nama kao kupcu puno znači.

Stjepan Vinko


„Iako naša saradnja sa Commerce Trade d.o.o. traje relativno kratko, možemo potvrditi da smo u tom periodu izgradili dobre odnose u poslovnoj saradnji. Brzo i efikasno reagujete na naše zahteve, pridržavate se termina i dogovora. Uspostavili smo uzajamno poverenje. Commerce Trade d.o.o je dinamična firma, brzo se razvija i smatramo da ćemo u narednom periodu zajedničkim radom ostvariti još bolje rezultate.“

Nada Barbir


Kvalitetni proizvodi, posjete, kontrole i korisni savjeti vaših radnika. Commerce trgovina je ozbiljna i respektabilna firma koju na najbolji način prezentira kolegica Polona Stenovec. Sve pozitivno.

Nikica Beader

Lajovic Tuba Embalaža

Sodelovanje korektno, samo plačilni rok je »prekratek«. Dostava je hitra, 2-3 dnevi.

Borut Knavs
Nabavna služba / Lajovic Tuba Embalaža

LTH Castings d.o.o.

Hitra odzivnost in dobro poznavanje tehnologije mazanja orodij.

Milan Marčeta


Prednosti: hiter odziv na povpraševanje, hitro posredovanje informacij, dosegljivost, interes za spremljanje projekta tudi po dobavi; Misli o Commerce Trgovini: zanesljiv partner, ustrezna poslovna komunikacija; Všeč/Ni všeč: zaenkrat ni nič kar mi ne bi bilo všeč.

Samo Reberšek

Werner Metal – Export Import d.o.o.

Vaša tvrtka je dobro organizirana. Osobe za kontakt su profesionalne i trude se ponuditi pravi proizvod koji kupcu treba.

Ljiljana Werner-Pavlic


Že vrsto let nas veže korektno sodelovanje, skupni interes približati izdelke potrošnikom, hitra dobava in strokovnost. Filtrne slojnice SEITZ, ki jih kupujemo so kvalitetne, z dolgoletno tradicijo in prepoznavno blagovno znamko.

Mihaela Prapotnik


S podjetjem Commerce sodelujemo, ker so profesionalni, zastopajo podjetja, ki v tehnološkem smislu predstavljajo kakovost in sigurnost, poleg tega pa smo z njihovimi storitvami izjemno zadovoljni.

Maks Kadivec


Spoštujemo in pozdravljamo strokovnost, ažurnost in prilagodljivost pri sodelovanju s podjetjem Commerce trgovina d.o.o.

Rok Jamnik in Boštjan Zidar


Russell Finex is working together with Commerce trgovina for several years, and I have to a admit they are very dedicated to our customers.  They represent  a good and reliable business partner for our company.

Koen de Ridder
General Manager / Russell Finex NV

Institut Œnologique de Champagne – IOC

Slovenia has always been special to IOC for many years. Such a diversity of wine styles in such a tiny country is unique in Europe. In fact, to ensure the best possible service to our customers, it was important to have a good connection with a local partner. We can say today that Commerce Trgovina is the right answer to IOC customers expectations in Slovenia.  

Pierre-Yves Bournerias


Commerce represents the prototype of what we seek for a distribution partnership: honesty, proximity with clients, technical support and dedication on the promotion of new technologies. Together we pursue our objective, helping winemakers adding value on their wines.    

Davide Berti
Winemaker consultant / Perdomini IOC


Cooperating with company COMMERCE TRGOVINA and its highly dedicated people for already several decades, we have only an appreciation for such a highly professional and focused partner to cover the activity on Food and Beverage market of Slovenia, Croatia and BiH. Within all served markets as brewing, wine making, alcohol free beverages, dairy and food production the foot print is so significant that often sets an industry standards for filtration and separation technologies. Their skills and passion of day to day work are in so close level of standards of PALL Corporation that we can proudly consider COMMERCE TROGVINA to be a part of our wider family.

Vaclav Janota
Divison Food and Beverage CZ/SLO/CRO/BiH/RO/SRB/MNE / PALL Corporation


ISO 9001


Companies we work with


COMMERCE TRGOVINA D.O.O., Mencingerjeva 7, 1000 Ljubljana
Skladišče, Kovinarska cesta 4, 1241 Kamnik


zastopanje, posredovanje in svetovanje d.o.o.

Mencingerjeva 7
1000 Ljubljana
Telefon: +386 (0)1 47 41 100
Fax: +386 (0)1 47 41 128
E-mail: info@commerce-lj.si

Kovinarska cesta 4
1241 Kamnik
Telefon: +386 64 293 044